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2025年度ロータリー米山記念奨学会奨学生募集 Rotary Yoneyama Scholarship for 2025

掲載日2024.9. 4



1 応募資格 Qualifications
?外国人留学生で在留資格が「留学」の者 Status of Visa must be "Student"
 bet36体育在线_365体育手机版-投注|备用网址 students in the 3rd and 4th grade in April 2025
?2025年4月に修士課程1?2年生の者 Masters in the 1st and 2nd grade in April 2025
?2025年4月に博士課程2?3年生の者 Doctors in the 2nd and 3rd grade in April 2025
 Those who were born after April 2nd, 1980(under 45 years old)
 Those who will not receive any other scholarship in 2025 FY( April-March)
 Those who have never won the Yoneyama Rotary scholarship before
Those who can attend a meeting (held once a month) or events held by the local rotary club

2 奨学金の概要 Outline of the scholarship
 期 間 :1年間または2年間 Period: 1 year or 2 years
 月 額 :学部学生: \100,000/月 大学院生: \140,000/月
 Monthly amount: bet36体育在线_365体育手机版-投注|备用网址 students: \100,000/month
         Graduate students: \140,000/month

3 提出期限 Deadline for submission
  9月27日(金)17:00 September 27, 17:00